• Jochen and Birgit become official members of the staff; due to their work at the newsletter, they actually have been belonging to the team for quite a while…
    • In March, we receive a letter from John, telling us about his plans for the near future.
    • "Plant-It 2000" is established.
    • For the first time, the Weekend takes place in Sinzig; in search of a new "home" for our club meetings (Tholey is simply too far away after Inge's move to the Lower Rhine…) the two Gabies have suggested the Cäcilia-Hütte in their hometown Sinzig. In a little circle we "take possession of" Sinzig – from now on, the Weekend is to stay there, and it is going to grow bigger and bigger every year!
    • John does his last film, "Walking Thuder". It will in the end never make it to the big screen, but among us, it makes a stir, mainly because John grows a beard for this film – and keeps it for several months. Reactions are rather mixed…
    • On December 1st, John is presented with the Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award.

    • The city of Venlo is 650 years old – on this occasion, you can purchase trees. "Music and communication" also finances one, and on December 18th, Inge participates in the planting of the new little forest as representative of the club.
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